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Mavericks cache all plist files, be aware

Nowadays, I have been modifying my iTerm2 profiles by using python script.

So after modifying it, I have to convert the file back to in binary1 format as usual.

But after upgrade my OSX to Mavericks, I found all Preferences are cached. So the previous procedure didn't work at all unless I reboot or re-login.

10.9 Preferences are cached.


So if you want to apply the changes right after modification of plist file, you have to do either OSX reloading it manually or disabling 'Preferences Service (cfprefsd)'

You have two choices doing this.

  1. Run command 'defaults read'
  2. kill cfprefsd

 $ defaults read com.googlecode.iterm2.plist

 $ killall cfprefsd 

cfprefsd: https://discussions.apple.com/message/22165237#22165237